
QueerExchange was founded in 2010 by volunteers and staff at AFS Germany Since then, we're advocating for lesbian, gay, bi-, pan- and asexual, queer as well as trans, intersex and non-binary people in student exchanges and international volunteer services – at all non-profit exchange organizations.

Queer people are part of the German and international diversity of life and their identities and needs must be respected and taken into account. We're always available for questions, advice and assistance for program participants, host families, volunteers and staff at the office.

In addition, we raise awareness through workshops and training courses at internal and external events and offer multiplier training courses.


  • Queere Methodensammlung 3.0
    Nach ausgiebiger Überarbeitung gibt es jetzt eine neue Queere Methodensammlung auf Deutsch und Englisch. Sie ist für alle geeignet, die im internationalen Jugendaustausch und auch abseits davon ihre Schulungen inklusiver und diverser machen wollen. Bei Fragen oder Feedback meldet euch gerne bei uns!
  • The testimonials are online!
    Finally, some time after the migration of our website, we had time for a major task: the review and integration of the experience reports.
  • Next Update of the Special Editions
    After we updated the German versions of Special Editions 1 to 5 for and about trans participants in spring, they are now also available in English. In addition, Extra Sheets 6 and 7 for and about rainbow host families have also been updated and translated.
  • In memory of Malte C.
    Excerpt from the statement by Queere Bildung e. V.: “First and foremost, our thoughts are with Malte, with the people who were close to him, who loved him and have lost a strong and courageous person. We mourn with you and wish each and every one of you a nurturing and caring environment during this difficult time.”
  • #TransMediaWatch
    Together with more than 155 other organizations, we support the #TransMedienWatch petition against anti-trans reporting and for respectful and objective dealings in the media. 🏳️‍⚧️
  • QueerExchange is Queergestreift
    We are super proud to be part of the beautiful book Queerstreakt by Kathrin Köller and Irmela Schautz! The two deal in great detail with people, stories, terms and organizations from all parts of the LSBTQIA+ spectrum and deal with social, health and legal issues.